Joseph Gonzalez

With qualifications in Advertising and Graphic Design I spent many years employed in the industry before undertaking freelance work.

I have successfully undertaken work for a variety of clients including TAFE Colleges, IBM in association with Milford Industries, Interactive Imagery, Titania Prostheses, Yankalilla Regional News and many others. I also lectured at The Technology School of the Future, where I instructed teachers and students in design and animation.

However, my dream was always to be an Artist, in the true sense of the word.
Since 2015 I have applied myself to this goal by specialising in airbrush painting.

I am proud to have been included in a few magazines and articles, shown below.

I was contacted by the president of American Art Awards because he saw my painting and said I should enter 🙂 2nd place for self portrait ain’t bad. (Category 39 - Self Portrait) 71 countries and thousands of entries.

I thought I would get an Official Gallery Rating from the American Art Awards.
"Very unique and clever"

It's awesome getting mail from over seas, especially when it’s two magazines that my artwork appears in.

I’m very happy to see the English version of my step by step article on Picasso selling in Europe, America, Canada and Australia.

I don’t read German but I'm sure this 8 page, step by step article in this awesome airbrush magazine is excellent!!! Yes, the step by step article is written by me:)

I was proud to see my painting on the front cover and a 4 page spread of my artwork.

One of my first spreads in an artist magazine and the first time I saw my name on a cover.

The second time I appeared in the special edition of 100 airbrush artists from around the world.

The first time I appeared in the special edition of 100 airbrush artists from around the world.

My painting made it into a German airbrush magazine.

My painting made it into the Airbrush step by step magazine in the readers section.

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